My Story and Yours

Whether you are a musician or not, my desire is to encourage and inspire you.

One way that I can do that is by providing music for you to listen to.

A second way is creating music that other pianists can play, as well as providing training in areas relevant to pianists and other musicians.

Providing devotional content, primarily related to scripture and hymnody is a third way to achieve this dual purpose.

As you explore this website, you will hopefully find other ways that will meet your own needs for encouragement and inspiration.

So, you might be wondering what qualifies me to serve you.

The beginning is a godly heritage. My parents were, and are, followers of Christ, and had me in church before I was even born.

As I grew, I came to have a personal relationship with Christ, and to understand He was calling me to serve Him.

My parents were also responsible for getting me into piano lessons the summer of my seventh birthday.

This twin involvement with the piano and the church, as well as God’s call on my life, led me to Ft. Worth, TX, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1978. There I learned from great music and theological teachers and earned a Masters degree with a Concentration in Piano.

From that beginning, I’ve served several churches as Music Worship Leader/Minister of Music in traditional, contemporary, and multi-generational settings.

It is my hope that the gifts, talents, and experiences that I’ve had will benefit you.

Richard Dickson at piano - Quirky Smile

Music Worship Leader

Led congregational worship and choirs since 1982.

Piano Player/Pianist

Over 59 years of experience playing the piano. 

Masters Degree in Church Music

Earned a Masters of Church Music degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX with a Concentration in Piano.

Ordained Baptist Minister

Received Ordination to the Gospel Ministry from Sisters Baptist Church, Sandersville, GA in 1982.

The Top Things You Should Know About Me


I Want to Encourage You

Every blog post, book, or course should help you to be all that you can be.


I Want to Inspire You

Every resource should lift your spirit or cause you to contemplate the goodness of God and the beauty of His creation.

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of encouragement and inspiration.

Includes a devotional thought
and a hymn lyric.

Resources are offered.

My Roland FA-08

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